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How to handle a “meeting the team” interview

By Interview Tips

If you are scheduled for a meet-the-team interview, you can prepare with the following steps:

1. Research the company and where possible the people you are meeting

2. Consider the structure of the interview

Find out who you will meet with, including what team or department they work with. It can also be helpful to find out if it is a formal or informal team interview.

It could be a panel interview where a number of interviewers will meet you at the same time. This panel is usually made up of people like HR, the position’s direct supervisor and in some cases, team members.

In an informal interview, the hiring manager may have the potential candidates move from office to office for a quick, informal meeting with each team member.  Some hiring managers may also assign a test assignment to get a better idea of how each candidate works with the team.

3. Practice potential interview questions

4. Practice in a group setting

5. Prepare a list of questions you want to ask

Ask questions throughout and at the end of the interview to learn more about the position and the team that you could be working with. This will show that you are interested in the role. Prepare some questions beforehand.

6. Thank the team and follow up after the interview

Always end the interview by thanking the team for their time. A follow-up thank you email to the hiring manager can further demonstrate your interest in the position while highlighting why you would be good for the job.

How to write a winning CV

By CV Support

Try and keep your CV to 2 pages (3 at the most). Avoid using jargon that the majority of people won’t understand. Don’t make your CV boring! You want to attract potential employers’ attention early. SPELL CHECK your CV. Employers hate CVs with spelling errors!

Equally, make sure that your LinkedIn profile matches your CV.

Make sure your details are all up to date, especially all of your contact details (and make sure they can be found easily)

  • Introduction

This should be a couple of sentences and include strengths that are relevant to the role you are applying for. You may need to change this if you are applying for various positions.

  • Key achievements

Bullet point your achievements:

  1. Targets exceeded
  2. Relevant league tables
  3. Something you have been better than your colleagues at
  4. Things that make you stand out!
  • Work experience 

Always start with your most recent/current position and go backwards, list all your different positions with the same company.

For each position you should include:

  1. Company name
  2. Job title
  3. Length of employment (month and year)
  4. Your main responsibilities
  5. What your company do
  6. If you sell, what do you sell, and who do you sell to, if you design, what do you design
  7. Achievements to target
  8. Training courses covered/attended

You should cover at least 10 years of experience (if you have it) but after that can list the company, dates and job titles.

  • Education

You should include the following:

  1. The name of the institution you studied at
  2. When you studied there
  3. The qualification (and grade/s) you achieved
  • Extra information

Depending on the role, examples you might include could be:

  1. Specialist training
  2. Knowledge of software or equipment
  3. Awards or other achievements
  4. Specialist qualification undertaken outside of the academic environment
  • Hobbies and interests

List some hobbies, but don’t go overboard! You don’t want people thinking you have no time to work!

Spaces on CVs caused by Covid

By CV Support

Employers understand the challenges caused by lockdowns and will be sympathetic to students, unemployed people and people made redundant who were unable to find work during the pandemic.

However, it is good to show potential employers that you used this time proactively.

You could mention:

  • Details of online courses or events attended
  • New skills you acquired
  • Volunteering work
  • Charity work

Particularly mention the ones that are relevant to the job you are applying for.

How to make a good impression

By Interview Tips
  • Don’t be late

Plan your journey and leave in plenty of time.

  • Enthusiasm

Be polite and professional with any staff you meet before or after the interview, and never be rude to receptionists – first impressions are important. Answer questions positively, be enthusiastic about the job and avoid being rude about your previous employers or university tutors.

  • Body language

Give a firm handshake to your interviewer(s) before and after the session. Once you’re seated, sit naturally without slouching in your chair or leaning on the desk. Throughout the interview, remember to smile frequently and maintain eye contact.

  • Questions

Answer all questions clearly, explaining how your skills and experience are relevant to the role. If you don’t understand a question ask the interviewer to clarify before answering. Speak slowly and concisely.

The telephone interview

By Interview Tips

Telephone interviews are now a popular “first stage interview” and should be treated seriously.

  • Very occasionally it can be used at the second interview stage.
  • Make sure you find a quiet room with no distractions to take the call.
  • Make sure your phone is fully charged.
  • Have a copy of your CV with you to refer to and have your laptop to hand in case you want to look something up or to have the company’s website open.
  • As with any interview, make sure you have done some research and have some questions prepared (see how to prepare for the interview).

Interview Tips

By Interview Tips

What to wear to an interview

In this diverse work market, companies all have different dress codes. Better to be smart than casual. If you can find out beforehand that would be ideal.

For telephone and online interviews make sure you dress as though the interview is in person. Sitting in your pyjamas trying to act professional won’t go down well.

Have a pen and notepad to write things down.

  • Research the interviewers 

Find out a bit about the people at the company via LinkedIn or the company’s website.

  • Give yourself adequate time to prepare
  • Remember that first impressions count

Smile, firm handshake and make sure you know the names of everyone interviewing.

  • Take your time when speaking

Don’t rush your answers, take your time to give a good answer, rather than just filling a silence.

  • Prepare questions beforehand

Have some questions prepared before the interview. Have these written down.

Some example questions:

  • What do you like about working here?
  • How would you describe the company culture?
  • What new projects are in the pipeline?
  • What kind of career opportunities do you offer?
  • What are the next steps in the interview process?
  • What training can I expect?
  • Do you think I would be right for this role?
  • What else would you like to know about me?

Interview Research

By Interview Tips

Never attend an interview unprepared. Start your research as soon as your interview is confirmed.

Consider things such as:

  • The Company

What market do they work in?  Who are their competitors? What major projects have they won? Where would you find their products?

  • Role

Make sure you have read the job spec thoroughly and can relate your skills and experience to the position. Show them that you want the job, that you understand the role and show the employer why they should choose you!

  • Interview panel

Make sure you know the name and job title of the person interviewing you. Use LinkedIn and the ‘About us’ section of the company website to find out more about them.

  • Questions

Look up common interview questions and prepare your own beforehand. Don’t ask things like how many days holiday I get, whether I can work from home etc at a first interview.

  • Be Prepared

Plan your journey and allow plenty of time. Make sure you have a copy of your CV and that any equipment you need is charged and ready to go.

  • Presentation

Obviously, be smartly dressed, and avoid curries and alcohol the night before. Be positive and friendly, don’t swear and don’t slag your old company off!

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